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  1. 參賽作品一經遞交,均不能再作修改,調換及不獲退還。

  2. 葵涌醫院有權拒絕不適當,與比賽主題無關或格式錯誤的參賽作品。

  3. 參賽作品必須為原創,及不會侵犯任何第三者的任何權利 (包括知識產權、保密權或私隱權)。如有違規,即被取消參賽或得獎資格。參賽作品如有抵觸法例,一切法律責任將由參賽者承擔,院方概不負責。在不損害任何其他條文的原則下,參賽隊伍須就以上情況所引致或招致的任何及全部訴訟、損失、損害賠償、申索、付款要求、開支(包括律師、代理人及專家證人收取的費用及開銷),以及為任何研訊程序及任何性質的法律責任達成和解而可能同意支付的償金及訟費,向葵涌醫院及其授權使用者作出彌償,並完全及有效地使其獲得彌償。

  4. 參賽隊伍必須保證其作品並未曾以任何形式或渠道作公開發表、出版、播放等;亦未曾涉及其他商業用途及參與其他比賽。

  5. 參賽隊伍只應在獲得有關第三方事先書面同意的情況下,才可於參賽作品中採用、修改或改編第三方之音樂、圖像、錄像或影片片段,並須根據有關版權法律於參賽作品中註明。葵涌醫院將不會直接或間接為任何或以任何方式而由任何因抵觸任何版權法例而引起的責任負責。參賽者同意及承諾會接受及為所有該等由此而起的責任負責。有關《版權條例》(香港法例第528章)的詳情,請瀏覽。參賽隊伍須獲得有關第三方的同意容許政府使用、複製、編輯和廣播該第三方素材之權利。如有需要,院方有權要求參賽者提供合法授權的書面證明。

  6. 參賽隊伍須取得所有參演人士的合法授權,讓院方以任何媒體展覽、宣傳或有關的非牟利用途發放其參賽作品。

  7. 葵涌醫院保留要求得獎隊伍遞交參賽作品的原始檔案,如參賽隊伍未能或拒絕遞交原始檔案,院方保留考慮取消其得獎資格的權利。

  8. 參賽隊伍必須清楚並同意所有獲獎的作品,其版權將歸於葵涌醫院所有。院方有權將作品的錄像(包括錄像內之第三方之物料)、標題、簡介及參賽隊伍資料以任何媒體形式展覽、出版、宣傳或作非牟利用途,包括上載至各專題網頁、Facebook 專頁及YouTube頻道。院方亦有權將有關作品作出修改、翻譯、改編、使用、複製、廣播及派發全部或部份內容而毋須取得參賽者同意或繳付任何費用。

  9. 所有評審結果,以評審團的最後決定為準。參賽隊伍不得對比賽結果或排名提出異議。

  10. 葵涌醫院將保留一切比賽活動中之最終決定權,包括演繹、更改、取消或暫停此活動的條款及細則、獎項及其他安排,而不需另行通知。

  11. 得獎隊伍不得將其領獎資格轉讓予任何人。

  12. 參賽隊伍一旦遞交作品參賽,則相等於接納所有的條款及細則,如葵涌醫院相信有任何違反此活動的相關條款及細則的行為,院方將保留隨時取消其參賽及獲獎資格的權利,是次比賽亦不設任何上訴機制。

  13. 中學組之參賽者必須經由所屬學校批核作遞交申請,並必須於比賽截止日期前為該學校之學生。

  14. 復元組之參賽者必須經由有關機構及部門批核作遞交申請。

  15. 如參賽隊伍獲獎,參賽者必須出示香港身份證、學生證(只適用於中學組)或其他有效文件以供院方核實身份。

Rules & Regulations

  1. Once submitted, an entry cannot be modified or replaced and will not be returned.

  2. Kwai Chung Hospital reserves the right to reject any entries that are inadequate, inappropriate competition theme or in wrong format.

  3. An entry must be an original work and does not infringe any rights (including intellectual property rights, rights of confidentiality or privacy) of any third parties. A breach of this rule will result in disqualification from competition or award. Should an entry breach any laws, the participants/ participation teams shall be held responsible for all legal liabilities. Kwai Chung Hospital shall not be held responsible for any liabilities. Without prejudice to any other provision, the participation teams shall indemnify and keep Kwai Chung Hospital, its authorised users fully and effectively indemnified against any and all action, damages, costs, claims, demands, expenses (including the fees and disbursements of lawyers, agents and expert witnesses) and any awards and costs which may be agreed to be paid in settlement of any proceedings and liabilities of any nature arising from or incurred by.

  4. Participation teams must guarantee that their entries have neither been openly shown, published or broadcast in any forms or through any channels, nor have they been involved in other commercial purposes or submitted for other competitions.

  5. If materials like music, images, video images or movie clips owned by other parties are used in an entry, the participants/ participation teams must obtain the relevant lawful authorisation. Kwai Chung Hospital reserves the right to request written proof of such authorisation from the participation team if necessary. Please check the Bilingual Laws Information System (BLIS) website at regularly for any modification and/or supplement which may be made. For other revised edition of the Laws of Hong Kong, you may refer to section 183 of the Copyright Ordinance (Cap.528).

  6. Participation teams must obtain lawful authorisation of all performers for uploading short videos to the dedicated website, and allowing Kwai Chung Hospital to use the entries in any media for exhibition, publicity or relevant non-profit making purposes.

  7. Kwai Chung Hospital may request for submission of the original files by the winning teams. If the winners/ winning teams fail/refuse to submit such files, the Organiser reserves the right to cancel the award.

  8. Participation teams must fully understand and agree to assign to Kwai Chung Hospital the copyright of their works without charge. Kwai Chung Hospital has the right to use the video images, titles, synopses of the works and information of participants/ participation teams in any form of media for exhibition, publication, publicity or non-profit making purposes. Kwai Chung Hospital also has the right to edit, translate, adapt, use, copy and distribute, in whole or in part, the works without the prior consent of the participant/ participation teams, or payment of fees.

  9. The decision of the adjudication panel on the competition results shall be final. In case of any disputes, Kwai Chung Hospital's decision is final.

  10. Kwai Chung Hospital reserves the right to make decision on all matters relating to the competition, which shall be final. This includes the right to interpret, amend, cancel or suspend the terms and conditions, prizes and other arrangements of the competition without notice.

  11. The right to receive a prize is non-assignable and non-transferable.

  12. By submitting an entry in the Competition, participation teams agree to be bound by the above terms and conditions. Kwai Chung Hospital reserves the right to disqualify any participant or cancel any award if it believes a breach of these terms and conditions has occurred. No appeals shall be accepted.

  13. Participants of Secondary School Category are required to obtain approval from the school for the submission of application and should still be students from the school concerned prior to the deadline of competition date.

  14. Participants of Recovery Category are required to obtain approval from related organisations and departments for the submission of application.

  15. All winning teams are required to produce their Hong Kong Identity Cards, student identity cards (for secondary school division only) or any other valid documents for verification by Kwai Chung Hospital.

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