Promote mental health and recovery concept.
To show support/ care to patients and caregivers on mental illness.

1. 公開組 (每隊參賽隊伍人數不限)
2. 中學組 (以學校為單位,參賽隊伍及參賽人數不限)
3. 復元組 (每隊參賽隊伍需包括1名復元人士為隊員及參賽人數不限)
1. 社會福利署助理署長(康復及醫務社會服務) - 郭志良先生
2. 立法會議員(醫學界) - 陳沛然醫生
3. 葵涌醫院及瑪嘉烈醫院管治委員會主席 - 莊偉茵女士, JP
4. 九龍西醫院聯網總監 - 謝文華醫生
5. 資深電影監製及導演 - 高志森先生
6. 藝人 - 方力申先生
1. 題材與內容切合主題 40%
2. 製作技巧 25%
3. 創意程度 10%
4. 整體可觀性 25%
可網上遞交申請* 或郵寄至葵涌醫院社區關係組(新界葵涌醫院路3-15號),函件請標明「心路●啟航 - 葵涌醫院微電影創作比賽」,逾期或不符合參賽要求的作品將不予受理及退還。
2018年5月19日 (星期六) 於柴灣青年廣場舉行 (地址:香港柴灣道 238號)
Eligibility and Categories
Open Category: No limit on the number of members in each team
Secondary School Category: Each school participates as a unit. No limit on the number of members in each team
Recovery Category: Each contesting team must include 1 people in recovery. No limit on the number of members in each team
Panel of Judges
Mr KOK Che-leung, Assistant Director (Rehabilitation and Medical Social Services), Social Welfare Department
Dr Hon Pierre CHAN, Legislative Council Member (Medical)
Ms Quince CHONG Wai-yan, JP, Chairperson from Hospital Governing Committee of Kwai Chung Hospital & Princess Margaret Hospital
Dr Doris TSE, Cluster Chief Executive, Kowloon West Cluster
Mr Clifton KO, Veteran Film Producer and Director
Mr Alex FONG, Artist
Review Criteria
Judges will select the winners for each category according to the following criteria:
1. Theme Relevance 40%
2. Production Technique 25%
3. Creativity 10%
4. Overall Storytelling 25%
Awards and Prizes
(Each Category)Merit Award – 3 Winners
Submission Methods
Online application* or mail to Community Relations, Kwai Chung Hospital (Address: No. 3-15, Kwai Chung Hospital Road, Kwai Chung, New Territories). Please indicate the title as “A Mind Journey - Kwai Chung Hospital Microfilm Competition”. Overdue applications or entries that do not meet the requirements will not be accepted or returned.
*For application with team members exceed eight persons, kindly download the application form to complete and upload to online system. (Note: School/Organisation chop is required for application under Secondary School Category and Recovery Category.)
Deadline of Submission extended to:
31st December 2017 (Sunday)
Finalists Announcement Date:
Late March 2018
Award Ceremony and Gala Premiere for Microfilm Competition:
19th May 2018 (Saturday) at Youth Square, Chai Wan (Address: 238 Chai Wan Road, Chai Wan, Hong Kong)