2014年,葵涌醫院開展為期2年的『A BRIGHTER TOMORROW - 藝展晴天』藝術創作計劃。醫院不同的服務組別,與學校、精神健康綜合社區中心及社福機構攜手合作舉辦一系列創意藝術活動。計劃透過不同的藝術活動,讓復元人士和照顧者與社區連繫,向大眾傳揚精神健康訊息。
2016年,醫院特別舉辦『Nourishing Life。Shaping Future.. with HeART - 創藝。用心』活動,為此計劃畫上完美句號。當中邀請了精神病康復者、照顧者、醫護人員、中學生及義工,集體創作手指畫『Recovery Journey』,讓社會大眾對精神病及康復過程有更多認識。這幅手指畫更成功創下健力士世界紀錄,為社區及世界傳達一份正能量,讓所有人在藝術創作中發掘生命的力量,感受人與人之間的關懷。希望每一位復元人士、照顧者、醫護人員及社會大眾,用心,讓生命添上豐盛的色彩。
2008年開始,劇團先後推出『TEEN幕劇場』 - 中學生互動戲劇精神健康教育計劃、『老師劇場』- 中學老師精神健康教育計劃、『社區劇場』- 社區互動戲劇精神健康教育計劃。藉著戲劇互動、資訊教育及問答遊戲,讓中學生、老師及社會大眾從觀賞及參與話劇演出,增加了解精神病及體驗精神病患者及家屬的境況,認識毒品的禍害,促進心理健康,適切處理情緒障礙及生活壓力。
啟動關愛力量 · 開展復元旅程
Rekindle Hope, Rebuild Life
Kwai Chung Hospital (KCH) comes into service on 1981. Over the past 35 years, our innovative and proactive service teams strike to enhance the development of psychiatric services in Hong Kong. KCH embraces the concept of holistic care. We are committed to not only building close relationships with patients and their caregivers, but also to providing high quality mental health services by extending services from hospitals to communities so that every patient’s physical, mental, societal and spiritual needs can be taken care of.
Society and public needs are constantly transforming. From the perspective of service users, this transformation would lead to new developments in existing psychiatric services. In recent years, the hospital has launched a Recovery model. The model encourages patients, people in recovery, and their families to find strength in life again, overcome emotional problems caused by the illness and rekindle hope in rebuilding their lives.
Nowadays, KCH serves the population of Kwai Chung, Tsing Yi, Tsuen Wan, North Lantau, Mong Kok, Sham Shui Po and Wong Tai Sin District. KCH accounts for a quarter of Hospital Authority’s psychiatric beds and its rates of service use and occupancy are immense. In order to keep up with international standards, the hospital has started undergoing renovations in 2008. The new renovations aim at promoting patient rehabilitation and providing a more person-oriented, holistic hospital environment for patients.
Bear good intentions - To make your life colourful
The hospital intends to introduce creative arts to people in recovery and their caregivers. Art is a way to cultivate people physically, mentally, societally and spiritually. Through music, dance, drama, painting, pottery and other artistic activities, people in recovery and their caregivers are brought together to experience the fun of art, and showcase their artistic talent.
In 2014, KCH launched a 2-year art programme entitled "A BRIGHTER TOMORROW – 藝展晴天". In collaboration with schools, mental health centers and social welfare organisations, KCH united the community via arts and spread the message of mental health.
In 2016, an event called "Nourishing Life。Shaping Future.. with HeART - Creative. Intentions" was specially held by the hospital and drawn the art programme to a perfect ending. Patients, caregivers, health care workers, secondary school students and volunteers were invited to create a fingerprint painting "Recovery Journey", giving the public a better understanding of mental illness and its rehabilitation process. It was successfully achieved a Guinness World Record for bringing across a positive message to the community and the world. We hope, with everyone’s good intentions, we could make each and everyone’s life more colourful.
Promote community mental health education, support and care for minority groups
KCH’s drama club promotes mental health education in the community through performing arts. The club is composed of people in recovery, caregivers, health care workers and community members. Most of the members have never been received any drama or stage training and every production is created through collective creativity and effort. Performances by the drama club are based on real-life stories, which help to raise public awareness towards mental health, encourage patients and caregivers to overcome their obstacles, remove existing stigmas, and show support towards minorities.
In 2008, the club launched multiple events such as "TEEN Theater" - Secondary School Interactive Drama Mental Health Education Programme, "Teacher Theater" - Secondary School Teacher Mental Health Education Programme, "Community Theater" - Community Interactive Drama Mental Health Education plan. Through participation in various events including interactive drama and trivia, secondary school students, teachers and the public are able to have a better understanding on mental health issues and grasp the perspectives of patients and caregivers lives. These events also allow the public to recognise harmful effects of substance abuse, promote the importance of mental health, and to learn skills on handling emotions and life stressors.
Caring, exhibits recovery
Psychiatric patients are easily influenced by various stressors such as labeling, life stress, side effects from drugs and symptoms from their illness. When patients encounter these emotional stressors, providing care and concern helps them to recover more effectively and it would also be easier for them to reintegrate into society.
KCH aims to implement a "Recovery" model for psychiatric services, taking comprehensive care of patients’ needs of "Body, Mind, Societal, Spiritual". The word "recovery" means "regaining the normal state of mind." The goal is for patients, with help from caregivers, to accept themselves and learn to value their personal experience and growth process. This is done by helping them find strength to conquer any hurdle brought on by their illness, cultivate hope and eventually rebuild an ideal life.
KCH will organise a Microfilm Competition in 2017. Participants can share the stories of people in recovery through microfilm. The competition aims to convey the positive message of mental health to society and empathise with patients and caregivers on the journey to recovery. It also encourages integration between patients and society, promotes love and helps patients and caregivers embark on a new journey hand-in-hand.